Saturday 30 January 2016

Jay's Wizard and apprentice. From blister to battlefield.

Hi again,

in continuance from my cultist unboxing, I will write a quick review on my NS necromancer and apprentice then show you guys some painted models! We are getting there!

I'm raging Hoops got a painted model on here first though......anyways.

So the models came in a nice blister pack, with the studio painted models as art on the insert. This was larger than scale so if you wanted to use it as a reference then it would actually be quite handy.

Upon getting my grubby hands on the models, I noticed there were NO BASES! Now I know that there is none shown on the studio models, but having been through the cultist box, which had bases, I would have expected to see some on the wizards too. Seems there is no standard in the rules to base size so I just grabbed two bases from the cultist box.

As with all metal models there was some flash and a bit of mold lines. The apprentice had no issues, but the necro had a beast of a line down one side of his face.

So I fixed it:


I was not sold on the necro in all honesty, I didn't like his 'Fonz' looking head or his 'sniff my fingers' hand gesture. So I snipped them off, I like making my stuff a little bit unique anyway.

If you read my backstory element earlier last week, My wizard is ancient and barely of this world, so I needed something that represented his oldness and his being on the verge of death at all times. I also needed a hand:

Que a zombie head and arm I whined about in my last post ha ha. Loving that humble pie. This gave me a head that looked decaying and a 'casting' hand. Both are a teeny bit big for the model, but i'm pleading 'heroically proportioned' on that one. A quick snip and glue and bosh:

Not too shabby.

The apprentice looked at me from the table, after another examination I decided he looked like an emo kid with a rounders bat (for our american readers, rounders is baseball, but with a different bat to ball size ratio).

So I fixed him.

Hehe. See the pattern here.

Again, his backstory has him as badly burned, so I used a masked head from the cultist box. The mask is actually a skull, which is awesome. Although by a character using that head, it kind of stops me from using it on any other models to keep him unique. Swapped the bat out for a more brutal axe from the cultists again.


I will not bore you with a 'how to', just some pics.

I'm not the worlds greatest painter obviously, but they look ok and I look forward to getting them on the table.

Glad to give you readers something to look at too. Hopefully have some cultists this week for you too!


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