Tuesday 16 February 2016

Jay vs Hoops AAR

I thought I'd lead with the picture of my finished warband! That way if my AAR isn't great, you still have something ;)

So, this will be my first game of Frostgrave, and before I crack on with this AAR I want to put out 2 things:
  1. This game rocks. Really nice and smooth, great fun, and brutal. Joseph A. McCullough has done really well here!
  2. This AAR isn't great as I short handed a lot of my notes! We was trying to smash out the game as Jay couldn't stay long. I'll try my best :)
So I won the warband setup roll and I think it went down hill from there! Alderghast fluffed his Familiar spell royally, with Zikal passing his. This would be a recurring theme! Jay passed both his Familiar roles, and then I won the initiative for first turn.

Turn 1 - Hoops initiative

So Alderghast started with an attempt to Summon Demon, of which he failed by a massive 12, so straight away he was down 2 health points. Not the greatest start for the realms greatest wizard! One of my thieves runs up to a treasure, sky lining himself well and truly. Krosh fails to Possess his knight by 5 and loses a health point.

Zikal proceeds to fail Elemental Shield by 9, loosing a health point, whilst Brun CASTS Bone Dart! Jay was rather pleased with this, even though it didn't wound, IT HAD PASSED!

Mainly basic moving, with my other thief moving onto another treasure, and an archer missing a thug.

Turn 2 - Jay initiative

Krosh fails to Possess his knight again, but only by 4, so no damage here. Unfortunately for Jay, Krosh just wasn't on form tonight. Alderghast proceeds to cast Elemental Bolt on Brun and deals a nice 6 damage, in hind sight I wish I'd managed to capitalise on this as Brun would run amok in the game. One of my thugs moves to and picks up a treasure.

Brun casts Steal Health from one of my thieves, and then his crossbow wielder kills him! Not happy!! That's what I get for standing on the top of a building. Zikal does some moving along with a thug and my knight, but this is to try and get a bead on Krosh.

One of Jays thugs gets to a treasure, whilst my other thief gets to the table edge with his.

Turn 3 - Jay initiative

Krosh gets off a Bone Dart but causes no damage, and Alderghast casts Elemental Bolt but also causes no damage. Great wizards my arse!!

Brun is again on form as he casts Bone Dart on Alderghast, hitting him for a huge 9 damage! My jaw nearly hit the table... Then his archer proceeds to knock off the last couple health points. Alderghast was off the table! To add insult to injury, Jays crossbowman crits my archer. I've lost three blokes in two turns, one of them my main caster. I'm now thinking of treasure and nothing else. However, Zikal then does something unexpected. He empowers Elemental Bolt and fries Krosh outright! Hit roll of 26 - 3, Krosh was down and out.

One of Jays thugs and his knight decide to pick on my gallant knight, and in the melee Jays thug gets killed. Jays zombie takes a health point off of Zikal in hand to hand.

Turn 4 - Jay initiative
No wizards, they're all dead Dave

Brun manages to do what Krosh didn't and Possesses his knight. This makes him a bit of a close combat beast, and quite frankly I was getting worried. Zikal then manages to get crit'd by the zombie. NOW my jaw was on the table. Both casters down, my thoughts were now dreading the post game session.

The knights hacked at each other, with my knight losing 4 health and Jays losing 1. I needed gold coins, and fast.

Turn 5 - Hoops initiative (finally!)

I missed what Jay did with Brun here, but likely he cast Bone Dart at something!

One of my thug gets off the table with a treasure, but then disaster strikes. Jays knight crits mine! Along with my casters, I couldn't afford to replace this guy. Jays zombie smashes 7 health off a thug, and I'm now nearly weeping. I must add here that even though I was getting quite soundly hurt, I was still enjoying the game! Jay also gets 2 treasures off the table.

Turn 6 - Jay initiative

Brun empowered Bone Dart but failed to drop the archer. He had done well with his casting this game.

My thug got revenge on the zombie, killing him, whilst the remaining treasures made it off the board. The game was over.

Post Game
Thankfully all the casters made a full recovery. But not the soldiers... Jays thug was fine and his zombie didn't need to roll. But my knight... DIED! 100gc down the toilet first game, and the wounded archer and thief are missing a game. Un-flipping-believable!
7 casts and 3 treasures Jay earned 220 exp - Jay chose to improve Bone Dart and Possess.
3 casts and 3 treasures netted me 180 exp - I improved Elemental Bolt.

Next up, Jay had found 290gc and 3 grimoires - Summon Demon, Glow and Create Grimoire. I had found 230gc, 2 grimoires - Bones of the Earth and Elemental Hammer and a +1 shoot bow

Deciding on bases we have both gone with an Inn (the +1 bloke is too tempting!), with Jay buying a templar and a thief, me replacing my knight and buying another thief and thug.

Overall, a really great evening. I'm enjoying every aspect of the game, from playing to painting!

I hope the AAR wasn't too boring for you, I may leave them to Jay in future, he is pretty good a them. However, once we get into the game more I'll be planning video AARs (much easier!)

G'night all


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